Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Ask - Contributor for the short story

Hi Akasha can email me your address we want to send you an exclusive Class95cafe PPI back pack , by the way I attach a map for reference as my contact in China and Singapore might want to know where Siqujor Thanks 


The Philippines is full of strange things both scary and awesome. A lot of supernatural phenomena happen in the Philippines. Stories of magic, entities and psychic powers are part of the Filipino culture. Healers and sorcerers are almost in every area be it rural or urban. Sightings of nature spirits and local vampires called "aswang" even reach the local news. Ordinary Filipinos experience displays of psychic powers.

Why is the Philippines full of supernatural phenomena? Some sources claim that the Philippines was once a part of the lost mystical continent of Lemuria. Others state that it's the new Jerusalem. The skeptical and scientific-minded just dismiss it as a "country full of native superstitions and delusions." What cannot be ignored is that most of the thousands of Filipinos who experience the paranormal are skeptical of such things themselves.

Mount Banahaw
Mount Banahaw is the the most powerful spiritual center in the Philippines due to its famous healing springs and supernatural occurences. An interesting part of MB is Jacob's Well, a narrow fissure within the base of MB. There's a Banahaw custom where a climber must enter Jacob's Well before climbing the mountain. According to the custom, if the climber stays in the fissure for a while without fear of closed places the climber is worthy of entering the mountain. There are different cults (not the kind that sacrifice people) that live in the mountain. These cults are mostly based on Christianity. Some of them claim to have artifacts owned by Jesus Christ. The strangest things in Banahaw are the sightings of supernatural beings experienced by many who have visited the mountain. Beings ranging from gnomes to water spirits are being sighted by those who climbed the mountain.

Balete Drive
Balete Drive is a famous site not only for its Balete trees and classic houses but also for its White Lady. Most drivers who pass by Balete Drive reported sightings of a woman in white that haunt the drive. It's still unclear whether the White Lady is a nature spirit, a ghost or just an urban legend.

Update: The White Lady of Balete Drive is a hoax. I received this information from Jose Silangan, a local paranormal investigator. It turned out to be a prank which evolved into a popular urban legend.

However in some other parts of the Philippines, sightings of white ladies are still being reported.

Siquijor is a beautiful island east of Dumaguete. It's usually known for its beauty and low crime rate but it's also known as an island of sorcerers. On the island live the native sorcerers and healers with strange and awesome powers. The mambabarang is a fearsome sorcerer who can attack and even kill through magick. The mambabarang is known for using a strange hex using insects. The mambabarang would instruct these insects to enter the victim's body to make the victim sick or even die. Fortunately, a victim can have himself/herself cured by consulting a healer or another mambabarang. The healers of the island are called mananambals. The mananambal can cure and counter harmful spells but they can also attack through magick. Despite the skepticisms and denials of the island's officials whether sorcery exists on the island, the people swear that it does exist and it's very much alive and feared in Siquijor.

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