Monday, April 18, 2011

News Update Unemployed Pinoys hopeful for SF incentive

SAN FRANCISCO – Small businesses in San Francisco now have more reason to hire new people. Even with a $306-million budget deficit, the city is still willing to give private companies $5,000 per new hire under its Jobs New program.
The money could cover about 2 to 3 months of the new hire’s salary.
Bayanihan Community Center employment specialist MC Canlas said, “Small business owners would receive the incentive right away so hiring also starts immediately.”
Tiptoes Nail Spa owners Maria Tan-Hines and her husband, Howard, consider this welcome news.
Maria said, “We are growing and so we need to hire. Getting that incentive would make us do it even more.”
Howard agreed, saying, “If we know we’re getting $5,000 credit down the line — that would be outstanding.”
To be eligible, small businesses cannot be in default in payroll or business taxes. They also have to pay new employees at least minimum wage, provide healthcare coverage and paid sick leave.
Lucille Yu was laid off in 2009. Her husband is unemployed and she was desperate to support her two young children. Eventually, she was able to find a steady job, when the food company that hired her received some money through the Jobs Now program.
The program targets the unemployed who rely on public assistance.
She said, “It really changed things for my family. It also helped me gain back my confidence as a worker.”
The $5,000 incentive for small businesses is aimed at long-term employment. Small businesses and applicants interested in the Jobs Now program may contact (877) 562-1669 or visit the Human Services Agency website at