Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kopi Talk - A Union made in Heaven and Earth

Filipino wedding receptions are not so different from traditional Chinese wedding receptions. At the entry, they have reception to collect money. However, there are also some unique ceremony incorporated into the Filipino celebration from the money dance which aims to give the married couple a prosperous start by approaching either the bride or groom and, using scotch tape, place any number of bills that you wish onto the happy couple’s clothing. Pins were traditionally used to attach the money, but many brides prefer that their gown not be pinned. The dance can continue for as long as the couple wants or until guests stop approaching the couple. As for the dove releasing ceremony.
The bride should gently take the female dove out of the cage and hold it while the groom does the same with the male dove. Then the couple should motion towards each other, bringing the doves’ beaks together as if to make the birds kiss. Then the couple releases the doves at the same time in a gesture that represents the start of a harmonious marriage
representing a harmonious and loving union, Filipino wedding traditions may seem unusual to some, but if you look a little deeper you will learn to appreciate the heart-felt symbolism especially when it held in a village as most of the neighbor one way or another to participate in the wedding either in cooking chores or even hand made ceremonial props.

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