Like the article stated too much honey spoil the honey, the concept of eating a balanced meal is the key to health. Any good food when eat in large quality can cause more harm than good. Growing up in Singapore I had the advantages of having friends from all races, from my observance certain foods that we eat also boil down to genetic heritage, like my Indian friends who had no issues for them to eat curry at almost every meals the hotter and spicier the better. The Chinese had the yin and yang, should not take so much of this and not so much of that will cause heatiness and unbalance of the body. On some rare occasion I will totally agrees with my dads when coming to eating durian during the season. Durian is a Malay and Indonesian name, which the word "DURI" means spine.
Durian has a strong smell and some people don't like this kind of smell.That is why it is prohibited to bring durian fruit on board the taxi, plane. According to my American friend it smell like ammonia shit, although he would pinch his nose to eat it . Durian is rather heaty and you had to look for other fruit like mangoestin which had a cooling effect on the body and I simply love both , who were argue with that ! In philippine they have fruits like mangoes, star apples, guyabano, tamarine, santol, teranati, camias, papaya, guava, chesa with milk sugar and ice, avocado with sugar milk and ice, pineapples, bananas, pomelo, suha, langka/jackfruit, mabolo, pakwan/watermelon, melon, chico, durian,lansones, isip, rambotan, mangoestin, ebus, calamansi, singkamas, dalandan, ponkan, some of these fruits are completely unknown to me. Bottom line apply some common sense approach in eating fruit or food.
Durian has a strong smell and some people don't like this kind of smell.That is why it is prohibited to bring durian fruit on board the taxi, plane. According to my American friend it smell like ammonia shit, although he would pinch his nose to eat it . Durian is rather heaty and you had to look for other fruit like mangoestin which had a cooling effect on the body and I simply love both , who were argue with that ! In philippine they have fruits like mangoes, star apples, guyabano, tamarine, santol, teranati, camias, papaya, guava, chesa with milk sugar and ice, avocado with sugar milk and ice, pineapples, bananas, pomelo, suha, langka/jackfruit, mabolo, pakwan/watermelon, melon, chico, durian,lansones, isip, rambotan, mangoestin, ebus, calamansi, singkamas, dalandan, ponkan, some of these fruits are completely unknown to me. Bottom line apply some common sense approach in eating fruit or food.
蜂蜜吃得不当 止咳变助咳
森焱 (2009-08-09)
近日有烟雾,许多人因此咳嗽。 蜂蜜清热解毒,常被视为止咳化痰的良药。 不过当孩子对蜂蜜过敏时,吃蜂蜜却会使病情加剧。 不久前,一母亲就带着9岁的儿子找上自然疗法医师廖伟棠,询问为何儿子感冒咳嗽了大半年,吃药都咳不好。 廖伟棠医师为男童做了食物敏感测试。3周后报告出炉,男童原来是对蜂蜜敏感! 做妈妈的这才恍然大悟,原来是自己的好意让儿子半年咳不停。 廖医师受访时指出,母亲认为蜂蜜富含营养,每天早上给孩子一匙蜂蜜冲泡茶饮,以为这么既利于孩子吸收,也能保证人体充足的营养和能量,结果弄巧成拙。 廖医师表示,蜂蜜确实具有很好的润肺止咳功效,但当孩子对蜂蜜产生过敏反应时,孩子一边吃咳嗽药,一边吞咽的蜂蜜就会抵消药物作用。 吃蜂蜜容易发怒? 自然疗法讲究身心灵医病,让病患从平时的饮食调剂。 廖医师说,烦躁、郁闷,或是容易发脾气,可能都与吃的东西有关,而这些东西可能是病患最想吃但又会导致敏感。 他说:“有科学依据表明,人的大脑也是和肠胃有沟通的,如果肠胃不舒服,大脑接收到负面的讯息,心情也会烦躁。” 廖医师说,不仅是孩子,有些成人也喜欢吃蜂蜜,早上喝茶或牛奶中,放一两匙不在少数。 “不过他们或许没有察觉到,自己的肠胃对蜂蜜敏感,吃了后导致肠胃发炎,这个讯息传递到大脑,他们发现自己很容易为一点小事就生气。” 空腹吃香蕉不利 养生保健中医诊所的林丽明医师指出,吃什么东西、吃多少分量的确很有讲究,吃得不当,“药”效全失。 打个比方,香蕉所含的色氨酸是制造幸福荷尔蒙(血清素)的必要物质,能缓解起伏波动的心情。 但许多人习惯把香蕉当早餐吃,一根香蕉空腹下肚,就不利健康。 林医师说,香蕉含有大量的镁元素,若空腹大量吃香蕉,会使血液中的镁量骤然升高,造成血液内镁、钙比例失调,对心血管产生抑制作用。 她说,餐后吃香蕉,一次吃半根或一根,一天不要吃超过两根香蕉。 香蕉味甘,性凉,能养阴润燥,生津止渴。 香蕉肉能润燥滑肠,用于痔疮患者大便干结,便后出血;但脾胃虚寒、腹泻者、畏寒体弱者就不能多吃,急慢性肾炎及肾功能不全者应忌食香蕉。 另外,香蕉糖分高,一条香蕉相等于半碗白饭,患糖尿病者必须注意吸取的分量。 |
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