Saturday, September 26, 2009

Music set the mood for dining guest

In our restaurant, we used a computer to play MP3 music and song for my dining guests. As like any other computer system, ours are loaded up with song ,music MP3 4,5 and wonder what goes in there, I only realized that is time for me to clean up my pc. When my customers so gracefully told me that I play the same album twice? Guess that the most common mistake I had copy the whole music album again. Having a real dining experience, music is a contributing factor to create an acoustic relax environment for my guests to enjoy a great meal. However, can you imagine , sitting down in front of the PC trying to delete every duplicates MP3, better to cook than spend  hours doing a tedious tasks. Lucky break for me I download a software that can tidy songs for me their software is also know as tidy song as for this case I never accidentally  duplicate my typo the software is down to earth knows as tidy songs , by the way this is their link.... enjoy

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