Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just ask - Hello, Nice to meet you, my name is Chris and I left my home in February, 2010. I am trying to travel around the world by hitchhiking and hospitality exchange, paying no fees for transport or accommodation. I hope to travel in this way to prove that money is not the answer to everything/is not necessary for travel/does not buy happiness, and I also hope this will help me meet kind people and get to know more about them and their culture. Hopefully I can travel around the world to see all the great places, meet great people and prove that you don't need money to live your dreams. Thank you. -- So thanks in advance to whoever can help, it would really be useful and I would greatly appreciate it! I hope to hear from you soon and until then I wish you all the very best! Happy travels, Chris.

Hi Chris if you to in Philippine Drop by we provide Free Accommodation for all Couch Surfer. Cheers