Sunday, November 1, 2009


On second look Ray remind me of my favorite World Championship Wrestling British wrestler Davey Boy Smith aka British Bull dog. However, Ray was an Engineer by profession, he had been to many place working in Indonesia, Egypt, Singapore etc and only decided to retire here in Gamu. 8 years ago.  According to Wikipedia, in the Philippines, coverage and quality of water supply suffered from lack of infrastructure, overall tariff are mostly too low to recover costs, resulting in poor utility performance. Moreover, many supply systems are too small to work efficiently. The connection of urban poor is often impeded by high connection fees. Although attempts have been made to introduce a comprehensive sector framework, many responsibilities remain unclear. Only 4% are connected to a sewerage system. Together with the neglect of a comprehensive water resources policy until 2004, this led to a serious threat to Filipino drinking water. He build a concrete hollow brick holding tank that would have the security of a week’s or month’s supply of water at a time if the electricity went off for any reason. A stored supply would also save the pump motor from having to cycle on and off whenever a faucet was turned on. It a good a workable plan. By the way, he builded himself a nice big swimming pools. In Singapore, I took for granted that when you turned on the faucet water is just ready available , when you live on well water and have to pump every drop, here are some astonishing figures to consider and muscle pain. 
A running faucet uses 3-5 gallons a minute. A running faucet while you brush your teeth can use 5 gallons. A running faucet while you do dishes can use 30 gallons. Washers use 30-60 gallons for each cycle. Wait till you have a full load of clothes before doing the laundry. A long shower can use 50 gallons. You’ll know it was too long when you run out of hot water. You’ll know it was way too long when you run out of cold water. He give me a tour around his house....

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