Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just Ask - Acupuncture for weight lost it work ?

Hi Angelica thanks for watching the video, the treatment is widely available in Singapore but in Philippine I'm not so sure about it maybe someone out there can help us. TCM or know as Traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore is a very popular unlike in Philippine you can see only in Manila china town like Ongpin and it unheard of in the province. Amazon had many range of acupuncture book you might want to read up.

With the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) particularly in China over the past few decades, and increasing interest in complementary medicine the world over, public interest in TCM has also risen. TCM has been considered as part of our cultural heritage and tradition. Among all the complementary medicine and traditional medicine, TCM has the most number of practitioners and patients. TCM practice in Singapore is primarily confined to outpatient care. I still remembered during the 70s not much of TCM clinic in Singapore only in the late 80 and 90's TCM had been slowly increasing awareness government rules and regulation  control from the manufacturer, supplier ,importer and to the retailer. 

I had personally try the acupuncture it work if you are not afraid of needle , the feeling is some sort like ant bite, sometime you could hardly feel any pain at all because of the fine needle they use.Imagine like having an injection, but the needle just need to stay in your body a bit longer,at certain time it can be quite comfortable with a tangling feeling of warmth. However, you need to be persistence in the course of  treatment and not a 1 time miracle cure. Like my Chinese doctor used to say Chinese medicine and acupuncture  is a holistic  approach of curing the mind and bodies and western medicine is direct at the source where time is an critical factor. In accupuncture for weight loss you need to have many treatments, diet and the mind of eating more than you can swallow, and what you eat is what you are.

The Association TCM  in Singapore  

Singapore Acupuncture Association (SAA)
  • SAA promotes the study, research and usage of acupuncture as a means of therapy in TCM.

  • SAA conducts training programmes and preparatory courses for members to obtain local and international certification through its School of Acupuncture, and provides low-cost acupuncture treatment through its Acupuncture Charitable Centre.
Singapore Association For Promoting Chinese Medicines (SAPCM)
  • SAPCM aims to promote TCM by providing low-cost medical services through its network of Public Free Clinics and training new TCM practitioners through its Institute of Chinese Medical Studies.

  • SAPCM also conducts a 7-year part-time degree course on TCM awarded by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China.
Singapore Chinese Medical Union (SCMU)
  • SCMU is Singapore’s oldest professional association dedicated to the promotion and development of TCM in Singapore.

  • SCMU conducts TCM training through a preparatory college, and partners TCM associations to form a coordinating committee to discuss TCM-related issues, regulate training for TCM practitioners and make recommendations to the Government.
Singapore Chinese Physicians Association (SCPA)
  • SCPA represents the interests of TCM physicians and conducts research and training to raise the quality of TCM services in Singapore.

  • SCPA conducts degree and post-graduate courses through its subsidiary - the Singapore College of TCM. SCPA also organises seminars, conferences and study groups to provide updated information and networking opportunities for TCM practitioners in the region.

TCM Manufacturers, Importers, Suppliers & Retailers

Singapore Chinese Druggists Association (SCDA)
  • SCDA is a non-profit organisation that establishes and promotes guidelines and Government regulations on the use of TCM drugs/medicines sold or prescribed by member practitioners.

  • SCDA also partners related professional associations to standardise the naming of medicines and drugs used in TCM, and set up educational institutes such as the TCM College (S) Pte Ltd to provide training for TCM practitioners.
Singapore Chinese Medicines & Health Products Merchant Association (SCMHPMA)
  • SCMHPMA represents the interests of TCM importers, and promotes and develops TCM trade between Singapore and China.

  • To develop the TCM market in Singapore and the region, SCMHPMA organises business missions, trade exhibitions and networking seminars with other TCM trade associations and Government regulators. SCMHPMA also conducts relevant training courses for members.
The Medicine Manufacturing Association Of Singapore (TMMAS)
  • TMMAS represents businesses engaged in the manufacture or packaging of medicinal products in Singapore. TMMAS also provides feedback to the Ministry of Health (MOH) and updates its members with the latest healthcare regulations and policies from MOH.

  • TMMAS partners other TCM trade associations and overseas medicine manufacturers to organise business missions, forums and other activities that foster closer ties within the industry and improve the quality of their medicinal products.

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