Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Ask - Ghost writing guideline

Hi Jomar used it as a guideline when you want to start your ghost writing book , you can just email me the Document format . We are looking for creative content rather than numbers of word, It not an essay examination,

Ghostwriting can be a wonderful way to express yourself and even make a good living. However, the industry or activity of ghostwriting comes with its own errors, as any industry does, that show up regularly in articles, ebooks and other content online and off.Here are some of the main errors that show up along with ways to “fix” them: 

Catchy Titles / Topics with Keywords – Check out popular titles using your keywords. Type them into Google’s search engine and surf through titles that show up for ideas. Look in the news, on your calendar…everywhere for new ideas and titles.Person / Voice – Keep the same voice throughout and make everything agree: subjects and verbs, nouns and adjectives, etc. Do not switch from, “he said’ to “you said” and all around, especially in the same paragraph! Review first, second and third person – singular and plural - in English books to refresh your memory and learn more on this. And review agreement concepts.

After you have your content down, go back and make sure it flows. Does it have an opening, explanation part and conclusion? Does it make sense? Is it targeted for adults or children? Is the tone / style right (serious, technical, teaching, etc.

Appealing to the Eyes – use headings sub-headings, bullets. Watch spelling, especially with companies; for example, there is no hyphen in eBay. Learn how to format a quote. First letter of important words in titles AND subtitles in caps; i.e. not "Why horses run Wild" as a title or subtitle, but, "Why Horses Run Wild." Check with print and other editors for their guidelines, though. Some want only the first word.No weird inserts in the content like 8 - 12 dots in a row "............" right in the middle of a sentence; no double or triple question marks, exclamation marks, etc. Stick to basic grammar rules. Do NOT write entire words and phrases in capital letters, especially keywords,right in the middle of a sentence. Stick to basic grammar rules.Do NOT use more than two exclamation points in one article. Nothing is that exciting in 500 words. Briefly sum up the content at the end in a short paragraph, a minimum of two sentences. I.E. don't just end with the last point in your bullets list.

Use caution with 1-liners, a sentence or phrase that is inserted into the body of content that stands alone. These are fine once in awhile to break up text. But you don’t want them entire piece to be 1-liners unless it’s a piece that has all bullets, like, 100 Ways to Improve Your writing,” for example. Establish your ghostwriting boundaries and don’t be ashamed or afraid to stick to them:no porn, gambling, adult, black hat, etc. Some buyers will try to convince you that their content is really for dating, for example, so you take a look at the project site, but have font-weight: bold;" your doubts, say something like this to the prospect, “If it’s something that I wouldn’t show my grandma, I have to walk away. Use correct words with “people,” for example: The child “who” not that or which Three Steps to Success with Ghostwriting.Too many people skip this step: Proofing -Hiring someone to edit!Too many people do not Continue Education - -formal or informal, doesn’t matter.Compete new courses / e courses, attend annual workshops for writers, local writers groups, etc. Keep learning!Too many people are too self-absorbed. 

Give back – Volunteer your skills with your favorite charities, church, local writing group, etc. Volunteering helps make you appreciate what you have more plus encourages and inspires you, even gives you new topics and fresh outlooks for your future content.

Class95cafe Publishing will consider work submitted in any format. Include a synopsis of your work and a couple of sample chapters. Our editors will read all manuscripts and we will try our best to respond within three months of receipt of your work, although sometimes we may take longer.We may not be able to enter into correspondence over every submission due to the number of manuscript submissions. These guidelines are subject to change without notice.

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