Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just Ask Hi from korea I read an article that they also have korean retirement club in Philippine also ?

Hi Sungonne thanks for dropping by my blog when I was in Baguio I meet quite a number of korean some was there for holiday and visit their relatives who had stay there for years.

In Philippine the United Korean Community Association (UKCA) is a non-stock/non-profit association in the Philippines organized in 1969 and registered to SEC since 2001. The organization covering all Korean organizations in the Philippines. It currently comprises 17 functional associations and 20 regional communities throughout the country. The main purposes are to encompass the different members/sectors in the above various Korean communities and cater to their needs in terms of information, social welfare and protection, and compatriotic familiarity.

UKCA is currently representing Korean retirees to PRA to enable them to propose and discuss all matters related to SRRV and PRA, and for further closer support to the retirees, is organizing 'Korean Retiree' Association in the Philippines (KRA)'.
The information as follows
Location - Suite 1104, Antel Corporate Centre
#121 Valero Street, Salcedo Village
Makati City 1127 Philippines
Telephone Numbers - +632.886.4848
Fax Number - +632.886.7997
Email -
Website -