Philippine migration studies: An annotated bibliography
Probers said the gunfire was from an M-14 rifle after lifting several slugs in the area. "We are still investigating as of this moment the explosion incident and we have yet to determine what kind of bomb or grenade was used by the suspects," said Romulo. He said the apparent target of the attack was Rev. Fr. Jose Francisco Talaban, the parish priest Casiguran.
Political corruption and dictatorship: The Marcos regime in the Philippines
Romulo said no one was hurt in the attack but would not confirm whether or not Fr. Talaban was inside the church when the gunmen struck. He said, however, that another clue to the suspects' identities were the propaganda sheets allegedly left by the assailants at the crime scene. Romulo said he already had his suspicions on who carried out the attack but declined to pinpoint any group until evidence supported it.
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines: A pioneer in human rights : 25 years of struggles for peoples' dignity, 1974-1999
"Father Talaban is perceived to be anti-government but is known as pro-poor," said the police official, who added that probers still had no suspects as of press time