Hi sarah is that for your organization or you, as for food, medicine and other relief goods, books and educational materials, essential machinery/equipment, consumer goods and other articles may be granted duty-free entry by the Department of Finance and the Bureau of Customs, upon the recommendation of the Department of Social Work and Development or other concerned agency. It is better that you can seek assistance from the Commission on Filipinos Overseas
1345 Citigold Center, Quirino Avenue
cor. South Superhighway, Manila
Tel # (632) 562.3852
Fax # 011.632.561.8332
E-mail cfodfa@info.com.ph
Philippine government cracks down on kidney brokers conducting own version of "stranger" donation.: An article from: Transplant News
Hope that our joint projects manifest cross my finger for you good news. cheers
Tax payment: A burden or a civic duty?
Organizations Based in the Philippines: Basilan Jaycees, List of Charities in the Philippines, Philippine Tarsier Foundation, Ilokano Writers