Concerning the selection of seaweeds suitable for mass cultivation in a number of large, open-ocean, solar energy facilities ("marine farms") in order ... food, synthetic fuels, and electrical energy
Dried seaweeds are bought from the farms at a cost of P 5.00 to P 10.00/kg. These are shipped to Zamboanga or Cebu where the buying stations of the four local producers of seaweed products are located and sell for P 10.00 to P 12.00/kg of either semi processed or exported dried seaweed.
Sailing the farm. Seaweed illustrations by Martyn Botfield. [All other illustrations by Nancy Austin.]
There are 2 channels of marketing. These are: (a) farm to independent trader/buyer/middlemen/ for exports to a foreign processing company or its local subsidiary of a foreign based parent company abroad; and, (b) local subsidiary engaged in seaweed farming to a foreign-based parent company. Take a look the seaweed farm if you interested and please not on September when the typhoon season start.