It can be recalled that the Philippine Integrated Water Resource Management which was developed in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) earlier pinpointed the agricultural sector as a critical challenge and a serious constraint in the country's attempt to achieve water security and ensure sustainable water for all.
NAFC Executive Director Dr. Maria Luz Enriquez in her speech during a two-day water forum here bared that since the agricultural sector uses more water than any other human activity, "efficiency methods like rain-water harvesting and water saving technologies should be further implemented to make use of available water resources."
Enriquez cited that 72 percent and 27 percent of the total water use in agriculture are for irrigation and fishery respectively.
Also, the NAFC official pointed out that water scarcity, water shortages as well as the burdens of climate change and intense climate variability like floods and droughts are projected to contract severely the yields of major crops such as palay and corn.
Studies show that the said problems are expected to damage 2.36 million metric tons of palay and 1.26 million metric tons of corn while coconut, sugarcane production are also identified as vulnerable sectors like poultry, among others.
Meanwhile, Enriquez stressed that increased water productivity in agriculture is a key element in achieving both water and food security.
Further, she added that the focus on achieving water security is also part of the national adaptation strategy to build a climate change-resilient agricultural and fisheries sector, enabling it to anticipate, effectively prepare for, reduce vulnerabilities and manage effects of intense climatic changes.
Flood Planning: The Politics of Water Security (International Library of Political Studies)