Wednesday, May 19, 2010

News Update Fujitsu opens research facility

FUJITSU Laboratories has set up its first bio-medical research facility in Singapore, which will further strengthen the Republic's status as Asia's RD hub.

Established jointly by Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star), the new laboratory will provide cutting-edge methodology to drive research for diagnosis of cancer and other diseases.

The laboratory is part of a comprehensive ecosystem which partners universities and research institutes with industry-relevant capabilities.

Fujitsu Laboratories Singapore will be working with A*Star on the development of aptamer technology for diagnostics application and business development trials. They will also collaborate with organisations such as the National University of Singapore to explore improvements in diagnostics of diseases such as prostate cancer and dengue fever, through the development of aptamers.

Aptamers, a chemical alternative to antibodies, have till now only been used in limited areas. Using aptamers for diagnostics would see individuals benefiting from more effective and cheaper diagnosis of diseases, resulting in earlier detection and treatment.

Kazuo Murano, Chairman of Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, said: 'One of the missions of Fujitsu Laboratories Singapore is to conduct strategic research that addresses important biomedical problems, through our novel technology methodology that presents major commercial potential. This is closely aligned with Fujitsu Laboratories' greater vision of creating a 'human-centric networked society'.'

Fujitsu Laboratories Singapore joins a growing community of companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Roche, which are engaged in biomedical research & development in Singapore. In 2009, the output for biomedical manufacturing grew steadily to about S$21 billion and the sector employed more than 13,000 people.