Saturday, June 26, 2010

News update Korea eyed to fund Bohol port

TAGBILARAN CITY, Bohol - The Regional Development Council 7 (RDC 7) officially endorsed the conduct of a feasibility study on the proposed Tapal Port Expansion Project in Ubay town for funding by the Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF).
Democracy and the Korean Economy
During the RDC 7 Full Council Meeting, the body approved a resolution that officially endorsed the project to the Department of Agriculture (DA) for inclusion in the feasibility study on the establishment of Multi-Industry Clusters (MIC) in the Philippines.

The feasibility study on the establishment of MICs in the country is a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Philippines and the Republic of Korea for projects to be funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Government, Business, and Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Korean Case (Harvard East Asian Monographs)
In South Korea, the MIC model has led to productive synergism between agriculture, infrastructure, manufacturing, and knowledge-based industries, and the same effect could be achieved if the MIC is adopted in the Philippines, the RDC resolution stated.

The MIC model is expected to increase farm production along with the emergence of manufacturing sectors, increased employment and a robust financial system in the countries.
Public enterprise and economic development: The Korean case
The ongoing MIC feasibility study includes the Province of Bohol as one of the candidate provinces under consideration for the establishment of MIC.
Comparison of Korean and Chinese economic development: Forecasting Korean-Chinese bilateral economic relation

Korean Economic Development: An Interpretive Model --1994 publication.
The Dynamics of Korean Economic Development