BAGUIO CITY - At least P1.6 billion will be made available by two prestigious foreign lending institutions purposely to rehabilitate the rapidly deteriorating watersheds in Mountain Province and Ifugao, starting in the third quarter of this year.
Manual of reforestation and erosion control for the Philippines (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit)
Out of the said amount, P900 million coming from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the form of a loan will be utilized for the rehabilitation of the Chico river watershed basin that strands from Mountain Province to Kalinga.
Management and cost of watershed reforestation: The Pantabangan and Magat (Working paper / Philippine Institute for Development Studies)
On the other hand, P800 million will come from the Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA) for the massive reforestation of the Ifugao watersheds.
Ipil-ipil: A firewood and reforestation crop (Leucaena glauca (L.) Benth) (Philippine Islands, Dept. of interior. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin)
Clarence Baguilat, director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), said the agency will make sure that the funds will be utilized for its purpose so that the denuded forests will be able to regain its beauty in the next five to ten years once the trees to be planted grown.
Financial aspects of contract reforestation in the Philippines (FPEI working paper)
The influx of international support for the Regional Development Council's (RDC's) program to address the rapid deterioration of the watersheds and forests is a clear indication that more groups and individuals have realized the importance of the trees in the mountains after the onslaught of strong typhoons that resulted in numerous deaths and damaged many properties.
The impact of agro-reforestation I (ESIA/WID)
The ADB assistance is intended for the agency's integrated natural resources and environmental management project (INREMP) within the jurisdiction of the Chico river basin while the JICA funds will be for the reforestation of the Ifugao watersheds for a three-year period.
Baguilat said the funding agencies gave importance to the reforestation of the Ifugao watersheds because it serves as the watershed basin for the 360-megawatt Magat Dam that generates power for the Luzon grid and provides irrigation water for vast tracks of agricultural lands in the Cagayan Valley.